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Photo of Eduardo Gomez Molero Spain

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Eduardo Gómez MOLERO DATA Born in Toledo in 1973 Current residence in Cobisa (Toledo) Education 1992-1995 Faculty of Fine Arts Basin. Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Castilla la Macha. SOLO 2007 Crossroads Cultural Center Capitol Cceres Caja Duero 2007 Crossroads Cultural Center Plasencia Caja Duero ARTEFACTOS07 GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2007 San Sebastian de los Reyes I Youth Art Show San Sebastian de los Reyes...

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Eduardo Gómez MOLERO DATA Born in Toledo in 1973 Current residence in Cobisa (Toledo) Education 1992-1995 Faculty of Fine Arts Basin. Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Castilla la Macha. SOLO 2007 Crossroads Cultural Center Capitol Cceres Caja Duero 2007 Crossroads Cultural Center Plasencia Caja Duero ARTEFACTOS07 GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2007 San Sebastian de los Reyes I Youth Art Show San Sebastian de los Reyes (Madrid). 2007 Solidarity Artists Artists Albacete VII Edition of Solidarity in the Centro Cultural de Caja Castilla La Mancha with the collaboration of the AECC against cancer. 2007 Galley Olas Art Space Collective Exhibition King II BarcelCanogar PRINTS, Chillida, Dal, Donoso, Feito, Genovs, Guitard, Molero, Naranjo, Antoni Tapies, Toral. 2006 II International Prize for Sculpture at San Fernando de Henares Sculpture Exhibition of works selected and the room Juan Carlos I 2006 XXXVI National Contest of Painting and Sculpture Villa de Parla Sculpture Exhibition of works selected and the House of Culture 2006 IV Edition of Artevino Bodegas Osborne Malpica Spaniards Contemporary Artists Collective Exhibition, printmaking. Dal, Donoso, FeitMirMolero, Naranjo, Saura, Tpies, Toral. 2006 Museum of contemporary art Santo Domingo neo Cifuentes Spaniards Contemporary Artists Collective Exhibition graphic works Alberti, BarcelCanogar, Chillida, Dal, Donoso, Feit, Genovs, López Garcia, Mir Molero, Naranjo, Picasso, Saura, Tpies, Toral. 2006 Galera Olas Art Space Collective Exhibition King PRINTS BarcelRafael Canogar Venancio Arribas Miguel, Eduardo Chillida, Salvador Dal, Enrique Donoso, Juan Genovs, Antonio Lopez, Eduardo Molero, Lucio Munoz, Eduardo Naranjo, Pablo Picasso, Antoni Tapies, Toral. 2005 Galera Art Space Collective Exhibition Olas del Rey Collective TRENDS Jess Alonso, Enrique Donoso, Joan MirEduardo Molero, Eduardo Naranjo, Joaquin Sorolla, Tpies Antoni, Cristobal Toral 2003 Finland. Benfica collective exhibition the children of the School of Art 2001 war Castilla la Mancha collective Roving Exhibition engraved with the title Untitled 10. Toledo, Cuenca and Albacete 1999 Leisure and Culture Spin Toledo. Permanent exhibition. 1998 City of Mora Mora Award. Work selected in the National Painting Competition town of Mora. 1996 Park of the Three Cultures. Toledo. Collective-action-reaction AquToledo monumental 1995 Magazine. Publication of the electrographic Thought Drowned in at number 29 in the artists section here. Posada de la Hermandad 1995 Toledo. Words of a collective exhibition Sculptor. 1995 Centennial Alberto Sanchez Toledo. Mail art installation with the artistic group EST-915. 1994 Faculty of Fine Arts Basin. Artistic installation EST-915 group with the group publishes Sculpture AGORA. 1994 Centro Cultural San Ildefonso Toledo Collective Exhibition of paintings with the name 13 Toros 13. 1993 Faculty of Fine Arts Basin. Installing the title artistic spaces. Participation in the first meetings of Contemporary Spanish art under the name situation. Founding artistic group EST-915. 1992 Faculty of Fine Arts Basin. Collective exhibition, painting and installation art school artistic 1991-1992 Toledo. Collective exhibition, artistic painting and installation. AWARDS 2007 First Prize Contest V Foundation for Contemporary Art Campollano for young artists in the form of sculpture to the work Eclosin Sculpture Series Clonacin Eclosin awarded the title SELECTED WORK 2007 1 ARTEfactos07 Youth Art Show in San Sebastian of Reyes. Picto-sculpture selected by Forest Dweller title 2006 II International Prize for Sculpture at San Fernando de Henares Sculpture Exhibition of works selected and in room 2006 XXXVI Juan Carlos I Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture Villa de Parla Sculpture Exhibition of works selected and the House of Culture Award 1998 City of Mora Mora. Work selected in the National Painting Competition town of Mora. DATA INTERS Since the year 2000 classes, as Professor of Plastic Arts and Design in the specialty of Photography in Toledo art school WORKS: Private collections in: Madrid, Barcelona, Marbella , Almera, Toledo

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